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Title: Working conditions and social dialogue
This report builds on the ongoing research of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) into working conditions and social dialogue.This report is divided into three parts: the first provides an overview of major framework conditions from both a European and national perspective; the second presents the main results from the analyses of existing research and working condition a surveys with regard to the specific influence of social dialogue; the third and final part gives an overview of examples of good practice at company level and of the results of the case studies carriedout in the context of the research. [Eckhard Voss]
Author: Voss, Eckhard
Publisher: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Year: 2009
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: TJ-73-09-143-EN-C | EF/09/43/EN | 978-92-897-0854-8
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Arbeitspapiere, Preprints
Keyword: Working conditionsfirm's social policyhealth industry
Subject: Social policySocial and behavioural sciencesConditions of work
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (
Title: European Company Survey 2009 - Overview
The second large-scale European-wide establishment survey launched by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) – known as the European Company Survey 2009 (ECS 2009) – focuses on two topics in the field of company policies that are widely debated in the EU: flexibility practices and employee participation at the workplace.Following on from the first Eurofound establishment survey in 2004–2005, the ECS 2009 was carried out across the 27 EU Member States and in the candidate countries of Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. In more than 27,000 establishments with 10 or more employees of both the private and the public sectors, human resources managers and employee representatives – where available – were interviewed about flexibility measures applied at the establishment and the involvement of employee representatives in their set-up. The survey covers different forms of working time flexibility (flexitime and working time account systems, part-time work, overtime work and work at unusual hours), the application of non-permanent employment contracts (external flexibility), aspects of wage flexibility as well as modes of enhancing the employability of staff for different tasks (functional flexibility) [Eurofound]
Author: Riedmann, Arnold | van Gyes, Guy | Román, Amelia | Kerkhofs, Marcel | Bechmann, Sebastian
Contributer: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Year: 2010
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: 978-92-897-0863-0 | TJ-31-10-308-EN-C | EF/10/05/EN
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Arbeitspapiere, Preprints
Keyword: Working conditionsflexibility of working hoursfirm's social policyflexibility
Subject: EnterprisesHours of workSurveys. Sampling. Censuses
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (
Title: Social dialogue and working conditions
Creating better jobs and working conditions are key elements of the European social model. Improving the quality of work and working conditions is, however, a new dimension within the European Employment Strategy which previously concentrated on quantitative measures such as increasing employment and reducing unemployment. The Lisbon Agenda implies that improving the quality and productivity of work could lead to more as well as better jobs. This study is based on 23 case studies in four sectors (electromechanical engineering, food, financial activities and insurance services, and wholesale and retail) in six countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Spain and Sweden). [Eurofound]
Author (Corp. Body): European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions | Oxford Researach
Year: 2011
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: EF/11/12/EN
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Arbeitspapiere, Preprints
Keyword: Working conditionsemployment promotionfirm's social policyproductivity
Subject: Economic and social developmentConditions of work
Countries Scheme: GERMANYAUSTRIASwedenCzech RepublicSpainFrance
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (
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