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Title: Erweiterung der Europäischen Union : von 15 auf 25 Mitglieder, welche Folgen hat dies für uns?
Title (other): Enlarging the European Union : from 15 to 25, what does it mean for us? | Elargissement de l'Union Européenne de 15 à
25, quelle signification pour nous?
Series Title: Die wichtigsten Anforderungen an das Europa von morgen | TOMORROW?S EUROPE THE KEY ISSUES | L?EUROPE DE DEMAIN QUESTIONS CLÉS
Author (Corp. Body): Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Erweiterung
Year: 2005
Language: en | de | fr
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: foreign policyEU expansionfreedom of movementinstitutionvalue-orientation
Subject: History of the European Communities. European ideaEuropean Community institutionsEuropean Community external relationsEconomic and social development
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: Use of childcare in the EU Member States and progress towards the Barcelona targets
This report provides a current analysis of Member States’ progress towards meeting the ‘Barcelona targets’. It initially examines the progress towards reaching the Barcelona targets by comparing and then extending the results presented in 2008. However, it also extends the previous 2008 analysis in a number of ways, namely it examines: the impact of parenthood on employment, public spending on childcare and the cost, affordability and quality of childcare. The report also summarises the extent to which the Barcelona targets have been met by Member States by the agreed deadline of 2010. Where possible, data were examined for 27 EU Member States and where available, EFTA countries Norway and Iceland. This short statistical report is part of a series of reports on gender equality in the work force and reconciliation of work, family and private life. These reports have been commissioned by the Justice Directorate General of the European Commission. The study was jointly undertaken by RAND Europe and the University of Groningen. These reports should be of interest to policymakers and academics with an interest in improving gender equality in the work force and improving the compatibility of having a career in combination with a family and private life. [Author vide copyright]
Table of Contents
Table of contents
Figures and boxes
1. Introduction
2. Progress towards meeting the Barcelona targets
2.1. Previous research: progress towards the Barcelona targets until 2006
2.2. Who has met the Barcelona targets? The situation in 2010
2.3. Progress towards the Barcelona targets between 2006 and 2010
3. Parenthood and employment
3.1. The potential link between parenthood, employment and childcare
3.2. Cultural and normative values about parenthood and childcare
4. Availability, affordability and quality of childcare
5. Public spending on childcare
6. Informal childcare
6.1. Overview of informal childcare in Europe
6.2. Disentangling different types of informal childcare
7. Conclusion and policy recommendations
7.1. Summary of main findings
7.2. Policy recommendations
7.3. Conclusion
Author: Mills, Melinda ; 143567098 | Präg, Patrick ; 1075290503 | Tsang, Flavia
Series Title: Rand Euorpe - Short Statistical Report ; 1
Contributer: Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Justiz | Rand Europe, Cambridge
Publisher: Amt für Amtliche Veröffentlichungen, Luxemburg
Year: 2014
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: 978-92-79-36171-5 | DS-02-14-192-EN-N | Contract ref. no. JUST/2011/GEND/PR/1081/A4 | RR-185-EC
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: expendituresemploymentcareparenthoodeducationEUchildkindergarten
child carequalityvalue-orientation
Subject: European Communities and European Union in generalQuality of education and its developmentNursery schools. Primary schools. Secondary schoolsWorking condititions. Work organization
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
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