Suche nach Schlagworten '24708-1'

10 entries found on 1 pages. starting on record 1 ending on 10

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Title: Fostering the competitiveness of Europe's ICT industry
Title (other): EU ICT Task Force report
Author (Corp. Body): EU ICT Task Force
Publisher: Europäische Kommission / Generaldirektion Unternehmen und Industrie
Year: 2006
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrycompetitive capacity
Subject: Electronics industryMarkets. Competition
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: Competitiveness of the EU SMEs in the ICT services industry
Title (other): FWC sector competitiveness studies | Within the framework contract of sectoral competitiveness studies, ENTR/06/054 |
Final report
Author (Corp. Body): ECORYS Research and Consulting
Contributer: Teknologisk Institut | CE, Cambridge Econometrica
Year: 2009
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: ENTR/06/054
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: ServiceEU countriesIT industrySmall and medium-sized enterprisescompetitive capacity
Subject: Electronics industryMarkets. Competition
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Title: DLV04.02 - Analysis of interoperability challenges
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for th Single Digital Gateway (SDG)
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42944 - 07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systemsComputer science
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: DLV04.02 - Analysis of interoperability challenges
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for th Single Digital Gateway (SDG)
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42905 - 07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systemsComputer science
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: Interoperability and fundamental rights implications : opinion of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights ; FRA
Opinion 1/2018
This Opinion by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) aims to inform the European Parliament position concerning legislative proposals on interoperability between EU information technology systems (IT systems) presented on 12 December 2017 and currently discussed by the EU legislators. The content of the two proposals is essentially the same. Therefore, in this Opinion, FRA treats them together. All references to proposed legal provisions relate to both instruments, except when otherwise specified. Among the legal provisions pointed out by FRA in this Opinion, Articles 55a, 55b and 55e, and Recitals 58 and 59 apply only to the proposed Interoperability Regulation on borders and visas. The FRA Opinion analyses the implications of increased levels of interoperability for fundamental rights. [Author vide copyright]
Author (Corp. Body): Europäische Union / Agentur für Grundrechte
Year: 2018
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Arbeitspapiere, Preprints
Keyword: Civil rightIT industry
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Agentur für Grundrechte (
Title: DLV02.01 - Business processes
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for the Single Digital Gateway implementation
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42567 -07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: Business processIT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systems
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: DLV02.02 - Architecture
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for th Single Digital Gateway (SDG)
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42567 -07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systemsComputer science
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: DLV03.01 - Functional requirements overview
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for th Single Digital Gateway (SDG)
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42703 - 07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systemsComputer science
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: DLV03.02 - Technical requirements overview
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for th Single Digital Gateway (SDG)
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42751 - 07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systemsComputer science
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
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Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
Title: DLV04.01 - List of cases where interoperability challenges may occur
Title (other): Study on functional, technical and semantic interoperability requirements for th Single Digital Gateway (SDG)
Author (Corp. Body): everis group
Year: 2018
ISBN / ISSN / Kat.Nr: Ref.Ares(2019)42793 - 07/01/2019
Language: en
Ressource: Einzelne Berichte, Studien
Keyword: IT industrydigitalization
Subject: Various information networks and systemsComputer science
Countries Scheme: Europe. General Resources
Online Ressource: vorübergehend nicht erreichbar!
Bitte beachten Sie die urheberrechtlichen Bedingungen der Dokumentenbenutzung / Please observe the copyright when accessing the document | Quelle / Source: Europäische Kommission (
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